Monday, April 5, 2010

Accident Prone

I never used to be this way...I don't think. But in the last week, I have managed to hurt myself or get hurt by other objects several times. I had a run-in with a car last week on my bike-big ugly bruise on my forearm. Then I somehow managed to jam my watch on my wrist or something because there is a bruise on my wrist where my watch is. And then yesterday during Easter I was trying to uncork a bottle of wine using a very nice Brookstone Wine opener that was made for ease of use and I managed to screw my finger instead of the cork. 

So now my middle finger has a puncture wound and is all swollen so I am sure that will be bruised shortly too. All in all I am quite grumpy and overtired this morning. My mom thinks it was the sugar from Easter, I think it is my body telling me I need to stay inside away from anything that can hurt me. Perhaps my nice soft bed or a padded room? :)

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