Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Bus Encounter

I haven't written about my bus encounters in awhile so here is a good one....

A man sat down next to me on the bus today and he looked a bit disheveled, he was older, maybe 50s or 60s. He proceeds to pull out an iPhone, which made me think wow, look at this guy, I guess appearances can be deceiving and shame on me for judging. Then he pulls out his iPad...so now I am really feeling stupid to have judged him based on how he looked because clearly this guy is up on the times and has some pretty sweet geek toys. Then I happened to glance over to check out his iPad and his backdrop is a picture of him on a couch hugging a big teddy bear and kissing it on it's head. SO WEIRD! It took everything I had not to text my friend and say you are never going to believe what I just saw! 

I, of course, went right into work and had to tell my bus story to my friend Anna what I just saw and she said wonderful things are going to happen today because that is the craziest story! So I was all excited for some great things to happen...I walk upstairs to find a post-it from another co-worker saying he owes me $10 to buy more candy. He took 2 of my last 3 lollipops last night after I left and he won't be back for 3 days! WTF?? And he left the Banana flavored one....I am none to pleased right now.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hoody Season

Is it hoody or hoodie? I never know. Anyway, it is officially fall, my most favorite season of all time. For many reasons, which I will list for you now....

1) the aforementioned hoody weather
2) the smell...yes there is a smell, it is called burning leaves, which I miss living in the city >whimper<
3) football games
4) sitting on the couch all curled up with a blanket drinking a Dunkachino, not sure if those have appeared yet which is the official fall kick off in my eyes.
5) jumping in a big pile of leaves...granted I have not done this since age 8 or 9 but the memories are enough for me
6) My bday is right around the corner
7) I have wayyy more cute fall outfits than summer and I am always more comfortable
8) running outside is awesome....when I actually do it...you know, once every 3 months.
We also now have DirecTV...with the Sports Package...with 5 Outdoor channels. Which for those of you who are not aware, means my boyfriend is officially in hunting mode. All bow hunting all the time! So here's to you sweetie- good luck this year and go kill some "Monstah Bucks"