Friday, March 26, 2010

Distraction Central

I have always been a bit of a technology geek- that stuff always came naturally to me, give me a new computer or phone and I will figure out how to work it and find shortcuts to make it easier to navigate. I am also a master at the Help feature on computers and programs and whatever else has the option. Something many people who ask me for help seem to forget exists. 

So now that Facebook has exploded and I have a blog and a new blackberry... (3rd one-long story that perhaps I will blog about later). Case and point- in the middle of writing this blog, my phone beeped at me that i got an email, so I went to check it. Knowing that it was just one of the many email newsletters I subscribe to, I still had to check-it could be a 911 email or text from my friends or family letting me know they are stranded and only I can help them! (Did you notice I never finished the sentence that started this paragraph? Does that bug you?) Another reason I cannot turn off my phone- the WHAT IF is too big a risk. Without having a phone for the last 2 days was one of the most frustrating things in the world, and I could not concentrate at work because I did not have a phone to distract me. Does anyone else think this is ass backwards? Facebook has completely taken over my life, I must check people's pictures at least 2 times a day, they don't change- I am not sure why I need to keep checking. My theory is that my friends will put pictures up of what they are doing so I can feel like I am back home in Mass, but in reality, they only put up pictures of big events. Hey Guys! Can you put up pictures of what your doing at all times so I know what is going on? Thanks! 

Also- every time I am completely overwhelmed with work and know I have a TON of stuff to do-I go online and check my email. Not sure why- do I really think that delaying the inevitable will make it go away? It is only delaying getting work done which then makes me have to work on the weekend- so dumb! Speaking of....I have a lot of work to do.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stupid Ring- UPDATE!

My boyfriend found the flower!!! Woo Hoo.

Stupid Ring

Awhile back I went to a fashion expo/fair thingy called Shecky's with my friend. They have all sorts of new designer things like jewelry and clothes and free wine! Bad idea for a girl with a shopping problem. The lesson I have learned is drinking and shopping is no good for my wallet and I end up buying things I really don't need or that aren't all that good quality.

Case and point- this super cute ring, that had little flowers glued to it. I thought it was so cute and I had to have it- first time I wore it one of the little flowers popped right off. I was none to pleased! So about a month ago I finally glued the flower back on with my hot glue gun-realizing I could have made this ring myself and saved $15. So I wore the ring again- it was a bit tight with all the access glue but it worked and I was so excited to have my ring back.

I wore this ring today....I took out the trash...looked up, and one of the flowers had popped off-the other flower that I had not glued back on. So I started looking everywhere around our building looking for the stupid thing and then I thought-it could be in the trash barrel. Keep in mind the trash barrel comes up to about my shoulders...this thing is a monster. I decided to go looking through this thing for a teeny tiny white flower. After a few people walked by I realized I must look like one of those bums who walk down neighborhood streets looking for bottles. So I gave up and walked to the bus. And now I am sitting here typing looking sadly down at my ring with only one flower and not two.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I suck

I have been seriously neglecting my blog- I was so gung-ho about it in the beginning and then I just fell off. But I am back! At least for I got a blackberry last week and I am so obsessed with the thing I run down my battery every day. I have gotten a bit accustomed to it now so I can last about a day and a half with my battery now. I think I am showing real progress in my crack berry-ness. Also, in getting this constant attachment to all things digital I found out I get a TON of newsletters and junk emails that I do not need to be getting. I subscribe to everything from Runner's World quotes to Shop it To Me emails. My email was binging at me every 5 minutes- at 1am when all those things get distributed. And there is no way to shut those stupid things off....I don't think. I am still a newbie after all. Okay, well I need to get some work done-I hope to be blogging again soon. I will try to not neglect all of you who enjoy my ramblings so much. :)

PS- I have smelled Strega Nona every morning on the bus. I cannot see her...but I can smell her anti-bacterial spray. Just more proof there is no need to spray that much!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Does anyone else get all creeped out and overly self conscious when you walk by someone and they are laughing at you? I can understand if I had a cute baby or crazy dog to smile and laugh at, but I had no cute baby or yippee dog bouncing next to me. Just me...looking fabulously accessorized if I do say so myself. I even had a hat on so my hair wasn't even doing that weird flippy thing. No toilet paper coming out of my but, nothing...I even checked in the window on the way out. O well.  

On a completely separate topic...I saw a woman driving her daughter to school this morning, or at least that is what I assumed, was pulling out of the street and she put earbuds in her ears for her iPod. She is driving her daughter to school!! Really?? For one thing, that is a tad dangerous for driving, second of can't talk to you daughter for the 5-10 minute drive to school?? What ever happened to mother-daughter bonding?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to Eat a Sandwich

Ok so I am distraction central lately, not sure why, but I am-so when eating lunch today I became very observant of how I was eating my sandwich. And then I there a proper way to eat a sandwich? For example, when eating a PB&J, should you eat it with the jelly on top because if you had the PB on top, would it stick to your mouth? Today I had a crazy good sandwich from Rosati's that had, Turkey, Cucumbers, Avocado, Cream Cheese and Cucumber Dill dressing...delicious! Except I was eating it with the cream cheese on the bottom so that is all I tasted, then I flipped it over and it was a little better but then I had cream cheese hindering all the other ingredients. This only left me to think that having cream cheese in a sandwich is only a good idea when it is in the middle of the sandwich. Further more....when deli's and sandwich shops create they think of how they layer the sandwich and which items the person will taste first? Do they think about how a person holds the sandwich? Top or Bottom? Next time I see a sandwich chef I will ask. I feel very Joey from Friends right now by the way...