The thought of creating a blog has crossed my mind several times for several reasons. One of them being a have a lot to say-nothing particularly interesting...just random things really. Another reason is because I tend to ramble to my friends and family about nothing and I am pretty sure after 5 minutes of rambling they tune me out. What better way to ramble on and on then start a blog?? A girl I work with-let's call her "Anna" mentioned to me one day that I should have my own blog or TV show because of my random thoughts and commentary on everyday things. The everyday commentary happened to be about Tide coming out with a new "To-Go" a mini version, to which I commented, "like they're not small enough already."
Anyway...another reason I started this blog is because that same friend started one and so I got inspired. One of her reasons was to stay in touch with friends who have since moved away and emailing back and forth amongst her friends turned into several pages of emails instead of the quick paragraph or two. and point of why I now have a blog....3 paragraphs and it is only my first entry. Anyone still interested?
The idea of having a place to just put down your thoughts to share is pretty cool in my book, sort of like a public diary. Or maybe a book about pink flamingos....